Civil and Criminal: Abusing Expense Accounts

The Bronwyn Bishop scandal in which government expense accounts were abused is a reminder for employers and employees to review their business expense practices. Employees can face both civil and criminal charges if they are found to be misusing company funds. Under criminal law, an employee can be jailed for fraud, as in the case of former Sydney Ferries CEO Geoffrey Smith. In a civil case, a company may try to retrieve misappropriated funds from an employee. Read More 

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Accidents can happen anytime at any place. Some of those accidents are minor and require little attention. However, some accidents can be fatal and cause you personal injury, emotional stress and damage to your vehicle. In such a case you need a personal injury lawyer to handle any law suit and insurance claim. A good personal injury lawyer has knowledge of legal procedures and will carry out the necessary paperwork, deal with your insurer for compensation and negotiate for necessary expertise. Read More 

3 Unique Divorce Issues You Should Know for Your Case

There is a misconception that most divorces are cut and dry, requiring an application and a possible court date. The truth is, there are some circumstances that may make your divorce a bit more complicated. These unique divorce issues can hinder the speed of the divorce being granted as well as hinder the speed at which you can get on with your life. Here are three of those issues and what you need to know about each one in case they come up in your life. Read More 

How to Sue a Company for Poor Workmanship

If  you are dissatisfied with a service carried out by a company, you have the option to recover the financial costs by using a small claims court. In these courts, you cannot claim for anything other than money owed, or financial reimbursement. You cannot claim, for example, for emotional distress. It can be a little confusing if you are in the position of deciding whether or not to sue a company for poor workmanship, but have never been through the process before. Read More 

Parenting Orders: What You Need to Know

Child custody is a primary concern when a marriage or even a de facto relationship breaks. Issues related to this aspect of a divorce or separation are generally dealt with through local, family, or federal circuit courts. The law supports the development of parenting arrangements through verbal or written agreements; these are not legally enforceable. You can also obtain a consent order which is a written legal agreement that has been witnessed, signed and filed in court. Read More